2003-03-31 A Scrum-diddly-umptious Day
2003-03-30 Two-Stepping with Cotton Eyed Joe
2003-03-28 It's Reversed.... isn't it?
2003-03-28 Nichole
2003-03-27 You know you want to.....read it.....read it.....read it
2003-03-25 A Penny For Your Thoughts...Nothing For Mine
2003-03-24 Addictions
2003-03-24 I Didn't Believe Him....but
2003-03-23 Heaven
2003-03-22 The dwarves
2003-03-21 Very Short
2003-03-20 Heartfelt for My Heart
2003-03-18 A long entry for you
2003-03-17 flat tire
2003-03-16 Evanescence Rocks!
2003-03-15 The Cold Saga Continues...
2003-03-14 Payday, and I'm not talking bout the candy bar
2003-03-13 *Heavenly*
2003-03-13 Nicknames
2003-03-12 *smacks self in forehead* You don't have a voice!
2003-03-11 The Bell Tolls For You....
2003-03-10 Revelations
2003-03-09 Wally World....Everybody Loves Wally World...Take the Family To Wally World...
2003-03-09 Lists For You
2003-03-08 ...and the powerful Oz said my brain was working just fine...
2003-03-06 the past
2003-03-05 Nothing Could Explain
2003-03-04 Rant... Rant... and some more Rant
2003-03-04 a blurp for fans

What You've Missed:

Hello, everyone. This is me: 2007

Lost...Finding My Way Back Again: 2005 and 2006

Bad Times: The Rest of 2004

Troubled Times: January thru April 2004

Withering Leaves: September thru December 2003

Broken Horizons: August 2003

Heated Thunderstorms: July 2003

Temptious Raindrops: June 2003

A New Spring: May 2003

Budding Roses: April 2003

Colorful Petals: March 2003

Sweet Fragrences: February 2003

Blooming Flowers: January 2003

Hidden Seeds: December 2002

Wilting Leaves: November 2002