
Old Coots Need Love Too!

I was reading through some old entries today, and was suprised to find that I used to be really funny, humerous even. And while I might occasionally retrieve a gold nugget from the abandoned gold mine that was my sense of humor, I've been feeling a bit lax in that department lately. I don't know why; do you think it is possible for a 26-year-old to be senile?

I've discovered that all of the other moms that work in the accounting department are way more fun than me. One of them was showing me pictures on her phone of the "shot rainbow" that she took last weekend. All the while I'm thinking, "Who the hell is watching her kids? And how can I steal that babysitter away from her?!" Not that I am much of a drinker--I'm actually such a lightweight that two or three screwdrivers will secure a night of drunken bliss--but I sure do miss being able to go out, listen to some good music, maybe have a nice drink. And I can never seem to find someone to watch my minions--I mean children.

It's been raining here nonstop. I actually went out yesterday and had a fairly decent run. You might have said that I was just running to get out of the rain, but that would just be blatantly true. Oh well. At least it felt good.

Lyric to Lounge To: "All I wanna get is just a little bit closer. All I wanna know is can you come a little closer...It's not just all physical, I'm the type who will get oh so critical.." Closer.

Thought of the Day: Who the heck gets to choose the line-up for Sunday movies? Nobody, and I mean Nobody wants to watch a Keanu Reeves marathon.

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